About us
Due to the growing need of day care options specifically tailored to the working hours of an opera house, the choir members of the Zurich Opera founded the OPERINOS nursery in the year 2000.
The day care centre is located in Färberstrasse 15 in Zurich, just around the corner from the opera. Children are welcome to join a mixed age group with a maximum of 11 children (ranging from 4 months to Kindergarten entry age). Members of the Zurich Opera are prioritized for the allocation of the day care places and also pay a lower contribution fee; the day care centre is, however, also open to families not affiliated with the opera.
OPERINOS values children as young individuals and promotes their physical, mental and emotional development in accordance with their age. They are lovingly cared for and provided with an atmosphere of comfort in which they can develop their creativity while drawing, crafting, singing, dancing, playing on the surrounding playgrounds or near the lake, or whilst listening to stories being read to them. We often organise boat rides, visit children’s museums or the library, where the children may choose their favourite books. By spending time with similar-aged children they expand their social capabilities and gain self-confidence. Members of the Zurich Opera orchestra also occasionally visit the day care centre to introduce the older children to their instruments. Additionally, we offer guided tours to the opera workshops, as well as a glimpse behind the scenes.
The OPERINOS day care centre employs a day care manager, a group head, an additional educator, as well as a teacher trainer and a trainee. A temporary staff member with educational qualifications complements the team and helps out in times of staffing shortage. The large number of staff members ensures an optimal degree of care; in particular, this benefits infants who are in need of attention and care when transitioning to an unfamiliar care situation. Moreover, this allows the group to be divided from time to time and the children can carry out different activities in accordance with their age.
Our team

Nathalie Küng
Day care manager
Laura Siegenthaler
Deputy day care manager and group leader

Andrea Zweidler
Educator and educational assistant

Mariele Zirell

Eléa Domenichini